Collect Open 2025 Exhibitor Portal
Opens 26 Apr 2023 00:00 (GMT)
Deadline 5 Jul 2024 09:00 (GMT)

Collect is the leading international fair for contemporary craft and design, showcasing specialist galleries from across the globe.

An important feature of the fair is Collect Open. This annual showcase is selected by an advisory panel and is open to independent artists; we invite you to put forward proposals for ambitious, conceptual, craft-led installations or artworks.

Your proposal can challenge perceptions of materiality, serve as a social or political statement, or delve into something more personal. It must demonstrate a new direction in your work.

Now in its 15th year, Collect Open offers a unique platform for artists to exhibit alongside the specialist galleries taking part in Collect, presenting their exceptional works to collectors, curators, journalists and other UK and international sector professionals in the environment of the fair at Somerset House.

For information about criteria, how to apply and fees, please read the Application Guidance below.

Application Guidance

Terms and Conditions

We strongly encourage applications from individuals currently underrepresented in the Creative and Cultural Sectors. This includes but is not limited to people of African or Caribbean heritage; Arabic heritage; Latin American heritage; East Asian, South Asian and South East Asian heritage.

Deadline: 09.00 Monday 24 June 2024

If you have any queries about the application process or exhibiting at Collect please email

Collect Open 2025 Exhibitor Portal

Collect is the leading international fair for contemporary craft and design, showcasing specialist galleries from across the globe.

An important feature of the fair is Collect Open. This annual showcase is selected by an advisory panel and is open to independent artists; we invite you to put forward proposals for ambitious, conceptual, craft-led installations or artworks.

Your proposal can challenge perceptions of materiality, serve as a social or political statement, or delve into something more personal. It must demonstrate a new direction in your work.

Now in its 15th year, Collect Open offers a unique platform for artists to exhibit alongside the specialist galleries taking part in Collect, presenting their exceptional works to collectors, curators, journalists and other UK and international sector professionals in the environment of the fair at Somerset House.

For information about criteria, how to apply and fees, please read the Application Guidance below.

Application Guidance

Terms and Conditions

We strongly encourage applications from individuals currently underrepresented in the Creative and Cultural Sectors. This includes but is not limited to people of African or Caribbean heritage; Arabic heritage; Latin American heritage; East Asian, South Asian and South East Asian heritage.

Deadline: 09.00 Monday 24 June 2024

If you have any queries about the application process or exhibiting at Collect please email

26 Apr 2023 00:00 (GMT)
5 Jul 2024 09:00 (GMT)